Even More SinglePlayer Q&A
Q: Why do the Hostages keep Dieing on me?
A: This can be for several reasons. In at least one mission(Mo1), you have a fixed amount of time till the terrs find the ambassador and kill him. Only way to beat that is to refine your plan. But, in most cases, once they know that you are there, they will kill the hostage. So, bring Suppressed weaps on Hostage (and Bomb) Missions. Also, don't use flashbangs until you are at the final objective. Oh, yea... kill EVERYONE before they get a shot off (You can't give the terrs suppresed weaps), If they hear gunshots.... Also, sometimes more than one team is neccesary to make two simultaneous assaults. This calls for good planning and timing with the alpha - delta keys. Normally though, pay attention to the briefing and take care of the primary objective first, and things wil go your way.
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Opdateret d. 2/4/01