Even More MultiPlayer Q&A

Q: How Can I practice "Teamwork", every time I stop to type, I get shot?
A: The 64 millisecond Question, (Time for virtual bullet to enter Typists head). The answers are probably as numerous as teams. But here are a few answers. The first two, although simple, only works with people you know (A team!). Just use your Go-Codes (Alpha through Delta), and assign meanings to them. I use different sound files, and mine (if you have same ones) sound like A = "Hold up" , B = "Make Way", C = "Fire in the Hole" D = "Need Some Help". Quite a bit of info, for jut 4 keys, huh? 2nd, Make plans. Alex Ryko has some excellent blueprints of the Maps, that you can draw arrows and lines (Bob goes in this door @ "Alpha") on and send to each other. Then for those who disdain teams and real teamwork, there is "Technology".. Battlecom and Roger Wilco have 2 way radios for the internet that work with R6. You still have to agree to use them and set up a channel (minimal teamwork), but it allows "On the Fly" strategy. Bad News, they take bandwith. I will be conducting an in-depth Commo test Soon, and will have MY opinions of these programs available for review soon.
Q: What are those funny words people type?
A: ok, heres a short glossary:
G2G = Good to Go
WTG = Way to Go
WTF = What the F
gg = good game
gs = Good Shot
lol = Laughing out loud
rofl = rolling on floor laughing
rtfm = read the flippin' manual
FF Aint! = Friendly Fire is not friendly (Shot teammate)
weap = Weapon ( often short for weapon change plz).
plz = please
thx = thanks (or great sound)
b or g? = should I join Blue or Gold?
Join? = Click on either blue or gold and get off the sidelines.
lag = Latency (How long it takes info to go from you to the host and / or back)
gogogogogo = I'm rude, boot me please

I'll have more here asap! Or send me your tips & ?'s


Opdateret d. 2/4/01